Here’s a future news story we may read someday:
The awakening of consciousness has a new ally, Rick Steves. The entertaining and eloquent host of the show “Rick Steves’ Europe” is teaming up with Eckhart Tolle and Oprah Winfrey to create a show called “Europe in The Now”.
Steves who describes himself as “fanatically positive and militantly optimistic” already embodies many of the personality traits associated with living consciously and mindfully. As an author, TV & radio host, business owner and NORML board member, he has a large following of individuals attracted to his positive energy. “Rick can reach a particularly receptive audience to these messages”, said one producer.
The new show retraces some of Ricks travels through Europe with an emphasis on lessons learned from history about living in a more conscious way. Eckhart Tolle, Oprah Winfrey and others will join Rick for dinners and discussions about the evolution of consciousness in a historical context at locations around Europe. Parts of the show will be filmed in front of audiences and double as helpful seminars on mindful living. “Europe in The Now” will air on most PBS stations and Oprahs’ networks.
The awakening of consciousness is an interesting concept. I remember reading something about this a few years ago but never really paid it much attention. Some of it makes more sense to me now after watching the video.
I like Rick Steves. Is Europe awakening or going backward? With the latest brexit and other moves toward nationalism in some countries it seems they could use it.