I was recently reading about the Kardashev Scale. It’s a method of measuring a civilizations level of technological advancement. “A Type I civilization uses all available resources impinging on its home planet, Type II harnesses all the energy of its star (See Dyson Sphere), and Type III of its galaxy.” So let’s assume there have been Type III civilizations that have existed at some point within the billions of years the universe has been around. These civilizations would have the ability to move stars and interstellar matter on a scale we can barely comprehend.
On a recent episode of Through the Wormhole, physicist Michio Kaku, postulated that a wormhole could be created by arranging stars in to a tight orbit around each other. A wormhole could be a gateway in to another universe, a way for a species to escape our universe. Because ultimately our universe will come to an end. This eventuality represents a challenge to a long-lived, advanced species. In much the same way, our species faces the relatively short term challenge of relocating our entire population from this planet. Our sun will destroy the earth in a few billion years, if not sooner.
Astronomers have found evidence of stars orbiting blackholes in the center of galaxies. See diagram below.
What if the billions of galaxies we see represent the constructs of billions of species who have reached Type III status?
Galaxies could be wormhole factories in the making, escape routes for advanced species. Our species, so far, could be the equivalent of microscopic mold growing on a damp floor, in a small room within a massive car factory; An incidental development in the grand scheme of things.
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I’ve come to believe the “aliens” were able to master intergalactic travel not by travelling light years through space, but by jumping through wormholes. Seems more people are coming to the same conclusion. Maybe NASA should be looking at something other than old school rockets travelling across vast expanses of space.
An interesting theory and one I can appreciate. After reading your post, I’m sure I’m a Type III being who somehow was marooned on this Type I planet at birth. It would explain why so much of what goes on here doesn’t make any sense to me.
Ha! My thoughts exactly 🙂
Good post.
This one is waaaay out there! Makes me a little uncomfortable to tell you the truth. Are we all that insignificant?
Then we will expect space inequality where the strongest will want the weak to be affected by the central black holes. There may be no continuation of generations if nobody will want to live near the black holes, to feed them so they keep their gravity to maintain our space roaming.
This post has a lot if interesting ideas. Moving stars? How many years would it take for our civilization to be able to do something like that?
Each day comes with a new realization of my insignificance, haha.
If it makes you feel better, there’s another theory that incorporates an idea called ‘The Great Filter’ which may explain why we have not encountered extraterrestrial life. Basically, The Great Filter is an evolutionary milestone that hardly any civilization can surpass. If we find extinct forms of advanced life on Mars or the moon, this will be a discouraging discovery because it implies that The Great Filter is ahead of us, and we will have to face it one day (we will probably not survive). On the other hand, there’s a probability that we’re rare. We’ve surpassed The Great Filter. Maybe we’re one of the only civilizations, or even the only civilization, that has surpassed this filter. This would explain why other life forms haven’t contacted us: they’re not nearly as advanced as we are yet.
I prefer the latter option. It gives me hope that we are the pioneers in the universe.
Joshc428 I find The Great Filter theory interesting. Given how old we found the universe to be it probably is likely we are living on a dying universe. Perhaps more advanced species than ours that were here before us have already left the universe because they predicted this great filter.
This article completely sets me in awe. It also shows how little we know about outer space. What is behind a wormhole will ultimately give us the answer. I assume the only way to find out if these are really constructed by other beings you would have to go through a worm hole and see what happens. However, You may be the only one to know. Because who knows if you would loose communications with Earth if you enter another galaxy.
This topic really touches upon a lot of science fiction planet harvesting scenarios that are freaking me out lol. But it’s a definite possibility in my universe, those alien species who could move stars would seem like gods to us who can barely move from island to island. The only way for us to achieve this in billions of years is first to learn how to migrate from planet to planet and achieve a certain level of immortality. This movement of stars would mechanically be the same to the assembly of engines and travel would happen in such a cosmic capitalistic level.
Without completely destroying Einstein’s theory of relativity, I see wormholes as the only possible way for anything to travel between galaxies inside of a lifetime. From my astronomy lectures, I remember that their are many galaxies with surprising density levels that are difficult to explain properly with modern theories. So maybe aliens moving stars into position is a possible explanation.
This means that we are categorized as ‘Type I civilization’ using all the sources of our earth planet, harming and destroying it. It’s sad to accept it but that’s what we are doing! I really wonder if we can be able to imagine Type III civilization. But being a wormhole a gateway into another universe is a great theory to support eternal life. But could we belong to advanced species that one day will be able to use galaxies as our escape routes? That’s a fair question that maybe in the future will get an answer.
This was a thought-provoking topic that really makes you realize how insignificant the human race is in the grand scheme of things. The thought that our galaxy, a seemingly vast, awe-inspiring void that encompasses entire worlds, is just the afterthought or plaything of a species beyond our view, is frightening. Some of the discoveries we’ve made give some slight support for this view. Right now, there are limitless planets that are basically rebels – they go against what science has told us. They exist despite the well-defined laws that say they should not. If a planet that rains glass sideways (which has been named HD 189733b, by the way) exists, then it is an easy stretch of logic to believe that planets could have been created.
guruproto I believe it is possible the anomalies and things we can’t expain in space may be constructs of an alien species. That would be a rational explanation. The reason it is not according to our theories and models is because someone has tinkered with them.
First and foremost this was an interesting read. I believe that it is possible that we just be some microscopic living being compare to other “higher intelligent” out there. I have always though that if there is earth then there must be other Galaxy out there where it is similar to earth. Therefore, a possibility of another life form. Even if they are a living life form I hope and wish that they have advance enough that they are not like us human that is using up earth’s resources. Maybe they will be nice enough to tell us how to be a better living creature, or just take over us. Either way I hope this theory is real and that there are some form of life out there! 🙂
Some interesting food for thought. Many people, including scientists, now believe it’s possible that extraterrestrial civilizations may have intentionally seeded life on Earth through and that life was seeded throughout the universe through panspermia. In fact, UK scientists recently found evidence which suggests aliens may have seeded life on Earth so why not consider that might have also evolved to the point where they can artificially create their own galaxies? Just look at what our scientists here on Earth are already doing with the hadron collider.
Sparkster that is very probable that our life was seeded here from some place instead of earth. Why not, since we originated anyways from stardust according to scientists. Just because we are living here now doesn’t mean we had to originate here.
This kind of stuff rely makes you think. I wish that I could prove that the human race is more important to existance than that, but like the article says, in such a big universe, we could just be like a spec of dust to another, more evolved species. Then again, there is still the thought that a greater race seeded the first steps of our evolution with a purpose (although I much like the idea of humans just being great without help naturaly). So this is an interstibg discussion.
I wonder if it’s true that if travelling through wormholes into other universes there are parallel versions of us. Maybe I’m watching too many sci-fi telefilms. I don’t think humanity will survive long enough for us to discover this, because as a species we’re too selfish. Look at how we’re destroying our own planet!
Well, I do like the idea of an interdimensional escape plan. Perhaps these are the mass relays that Mass Effect predicted? It is sad that we’d have a limited window, but it would be very convenient to continue the species on as long as possible. However, we are finite beings, and we must have an ending sooner or later to make way for the next great species.
I too, sometimes feel that what if we are just an experiment by some higher being. Like we conduct experiments on rats etc by artificially stimulating a environment then why can’t somebody of a higher power be doing the same thing on us. It’s really frightening to think like that. We may be mere set pieces.
That is very interesting. After watching the show “How the Universe Works” many times on the science channel and many different episodes I started getting the sense of how insignificant and massive my fate could be. The way they express that everything is interconnected and I am born from stardust in a sense, and me and everyone else is pretty much a continuation of a process that started millions of years ago and that it could all end at any time was scary.
I wonder if an advanced species would be able to foresee the effects of traveling through a wormhole into another universe. What if the result was incapable of being foreseen and their attempt to continue their species was a failure? Maybe there is no way to prevent it from being fatal.
I really like these kind of thinking about our university, but we have to confess that it’s all in out head. Most of time. I mean i do not think that it is impossible to our whole universe be an artificial construct.
It is a really exciting possibility, i am just talking about the psychology behind it. It questions the significance of the human race. Are we the most important?
Probably not.
I know, right? I think that we spend a lot of time just thinking about us: how can we be more strong? More smart? More advanced? But not a lot of people really thinks about our actual existence, or why are we even here, or being more extremists, if we are really here. I think that as humans, we tend to distract ourselves when it comes to the important things, and at the same time, we label them as important or not.
A type III civilization can harvest the energy of its entire galaxy, yes. A civilization this advanced could lead the Universe altogether and even could create us. I often thought that if such a type III civilization actually contacted us, it would have been like they were God to us. Think of it: they would have such technology that we wouldn’t comprehend, just like religion seems. Think about it: in Medieval times, flying was considered a miracle, if not witchery and you would have been killed if you were attempting to fly. But now, humans got smart and started building airplanes and flying everywhere. If flying got so mainstream, why wouldn’t such things as interstellar traveling too? Jesus made miracles on Earth, but what if he only used some of the species’ technology?
Interesting theory about the galaxies, however if it’s true we could hope to find traces of their technology planted all over the galaxy to keep the system stable from external forces or from breaking apart by an unexpected event e.g. a star collapsing into a black hole and slightly disturbing the balance. Sure it could take a lot of those to even put a dent into something as massive as an artificial galaxy, but everything falls apart eventually, such is the law of entropy.
It would be interesting if we were to find some such findings of technology somewhere in the galaxy, not because it could prove the theory right but because we could use them to trace the trail back to them.
I wonder how we would manage ourselves to survive when the time for the sun to destroy earth comes… If you’re right and that happens in billions of years, that would mean that we would be more advanced when it comes to technology and theories about the universe destruction. And still, I am pretty sure that we would consider this option in order to survive.
Well this is a little more deep of thinking than I am used to doing on a Monday afternoon, but thanks for really getting my mind working. It is really fascinating to think about, and the more that you talk about it aloud and throw the concepts around, the more it starts to make sense. Although, when I say make sense I mean in that kind of way where you know it is mostly theoretical or rhetorical, but it is interesting nonetheless. Thanks for sharing.
How exciting! It’s so interesting to see what we’ve grown up and seen as “science fiction” turning into science theory and fact! Really interested in seeing more research into wormholes.
The theory is, for lack of a better phrase, out there. However, it is a reasonable and feasible sounding theory that could probably be tested. Stars are circling wormholes? I feel this to be an interesting development.